Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Path Of Your Commands

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law
    and obey it with all my heart.
Direct me in the path of your commands,
    for there I find delight.

—Psalm 119:34-35 (NIV)

Heavenly Father,

By Your Spirit within me, give me understanding of all that You would have me to know—so I might set my heart to obey Your instructions.  Bend my will along the path of Your commands—that in obedience I might find my true delight.

With Your Spirit as my teacher, open up the richness of Your Word to my heart and help me to understand all of your instructions—that I might not miss out on any of the blessing that comes, when I set out to obey You with all of my heart.

Help me to submit my will to Yours—that I might delight in following in the path of all of Your commands and there discover all the blessings of peace and joy that You have waiting there for me.

Grant me the faith to believe with all of my heart that Your commands are given to me for my benefit—not intended to restrict or bind me, but to truly set me free from anything that would hold me back from being all You made me to be.

By Your Spirit within me, give me understanding of all that You would have me to know—so I might set my heart to obey Your instructions.  Bend my will along the path of Your commands—that in obedience I might find my true delight.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Thank you for the heartfelt words. Thanking God for wisdom revealed.
