Friday, October 6, 2017

A Wise Hunger for Knowledge

A wise person is hungry for knowledge,
    while the fool feeds on trash.

—Proverbs 15:14 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Let my God-given appetite for more knowledge be expressed in my life by my hunger for a deeper understanding of Your will and Your ways—as I seek first to know You.  For only in You can I find my way, discover the truth and fully live.

Don’t ever allow me to think that I know more than I know, but keep me humble and hungry to know more about You—so I can experience You more completely and will recognize Your hand at work in every new thing that I learn.

And in discovering who You are, help me to see who I am to You and understand more fully all the things that You have done for me—so that I will continue to grow into that person who only searches after the Truth and doesn’t just collect knowledge for knowledge’s sake.

Save me from the foolishness of settling for feeding from this world’s trash heap of lies in order to satisfy my heart’s hunger to know more—when You have prepared an abundant feast of Truth for me in Your Word.

Let my God-given appetite for more knowledge be expressed in my life by my hunger for a deeper understanding of Your will and Your ways—as I seek first to know You.  For only in You can I find my way, discover the truth and fully live.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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