Friday, March 1, 2019

Your Word, O God, is Truth!

“Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.”

—John 17:17 (NLT)

Most Holy and Loving God,

Teach me Your Word.  Reveal its Truth to me by Your Spirit—that I would be made holy by Your Truth.

Thank You for Your Word—which is Truth—and help me to live in that Truth.  For only by living in Truth will I find the peace and rest that You have made available to me through the sacrifice of Christ.

Help me to live in Truth with You, God—confessing my sins and repenting of my failure to be everything that You have called me to be in Christ—knowing the Truth is that nothing is ever hidden from You.

And help me to live in Truth with myself—by examining my own heart and asking You to expose any darkness, evil, or impure motive within me—that I might surrender to You any part of me that does not honor You, in obedience to that Truth.

And help me to live in Truth with others, as evidence of my love for them, in my every thought, word and deed—so that I can effectively reflect the love of Christ and can truly live every present moment in peace and at rest.

Make me holy—by helping me to apply the Truth of Your Word to my life—so that I might be set apart for Your plans and purposes for me, and bring You glory, honor and praise with my life.

Teach me Your Word.  Reveal its Truth to me by Your Spirit—that I would be made holy by Your Truth.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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