Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My Most Essential Need for Life

“Seek the LORD [search diligently for Him and long for Him as your most essential need] so that you may live….”

—Amos 5:6a (AMP)

LORD of Life,

Let me forever keep my relationship with You in its rightful place as the most important thing in my life—so that I can truly live.

Give me a heart to seek after You—to search for You diligently—that I would know and better understand Your character and Your attributes, as You reveal them to me in Your Word and by Your Spirit.

Within my understanding of who You are, help me also to discover who I am to You—along with Your expectations for how I should relate to You, and honor You with my life.

Be my deepest longing and help me to realize that You alone are my most essential need.  For in You I find everything I need for this life here on earth, as You prepare me for the life that is to come.

Let me forever keep my relationship with You in its rightful place as the most important thing in my life—so that I can truly live.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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