Monday, May 23, 2022

May I Never Turn My Back


They have turned 
their back to Me and not their face; though I taught them, teaching again and again, they would not listen and receive instruction.


—Jeremiah 32:33 (NASB)


My Creator and my God,


May I never turn my back to You—and may I always listen with a heart that hungers to receive Your instruction!


May You always see my face, as I set my course to run to You alone—never turning to the right or the left, and never returning to that place from which you brought me.


As you look upon my face and see me as I am, may my faith be pleasing to You—and may You turn Your face toward me, that I may live in the protection, provision, and peace of Your loving presence.


May I abide with You, carefully listening to all You would teach me, so that I would receive, embrace, and obey Your instruction—and remain in Your love forever.


May I never turn my back to You—and may I always listen with a heart that hungers to receive Your instruction!


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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