Friday, August 19, 2022

Those Little Foxes


Catch all the foxes,
    those little foxes,
before they ruin the vineyard of love,
    for the grapevines are blossoming!


— Song of Solomon 2:15 (NLT)


Loving Heavenly Father,


Help me never get so comfortable in my marriage relationship that I fail to guard against the little things that might grow to cause deep relationship problems for us.


Just as little foxes could wreak havoc in a vineyard of blossoming grapevines, help me to see how quickly small things can grow into large problems in my love relationship with my spouse.


Help me to remember that there is a tender fragility to the intimacy that I enjoy with my spouse that relies on both trust and truth—an intimacy that the enemy would love to disrupt and destroy.


So, help us not to ignore or minimize any of these small things, but rather carefully work together to identify them and eliminate them, as we continue to grow the bonds of our intimacy.


Help me never get so comfortable in my marriage relationship that I fail to guard against the little things that might grow to cause deep relationship problems for us.


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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