Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The LORD Watches Over Me!


I lay down and slept,

    yet I woke up in safety,

    for the LORD was watching over me.


—Psalm 3:5 (NLT)


Ever-watching LORD,


How blessed I am to be able to lie down and sleep—knowing that I am under Your ever-watchful care!


Thank You for the comforting truth that You never take Your eyes off me—that You are always there to keep me safe in every way.


Thank You that when the troubles and worries of this world try to steal my peace away from me, I need only cry out to You and You are there to hear me and to restore my peace—with the full assurance that You are in control of whatever circumstances that I may have to face.


Help me not to forget that—because I am Your very own—You will always use every circumstance I may have to endure for my good and will not withhold any good thing from me, if I walk uprightly before You.


How blessed I am to be able to lie down and sleep—knowing that I am under Your ever-watchful care!


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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