Wednesday, June 7, 2023

An Honest Answer


An honest answer

    is like a kiss of friendship.


—Proverbs 24:26 (NLT)



God of Truth and Love,


Help me to give each person that You put in my path the high honor of always and only speaking the truth to them.


I don’t want to be deceived into believing that there is ever a reason for me not to be straightforward and honest with everyone.


For only in speaking truthfully—from a heart filled with kindness, love, and compassion—can I claim to be a true friend.


Help me to remember that deep down we all are searching for someone who will just tell us the complete and absolute truth—out of their genuine love for us—exactly like Jesus does.


Help me to be that person who always answers honestly—and in doing so, offers the true kiss of friendship.


Help me to give each person that You put in my path the high honor of always and only speaking the truth to them.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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