Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Keep Life for Eternity


Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.


—John 12:25 (NLT)



Heavenly Father,


Thank You for showing me that the very best life that this world has to offer me is nothing when compared to the unending and unfailing life that You have promised me—a life that is safely kept in Christ, both now and for eternity.


Help me to hold every blessing of my life with open hands, lifted up to You—acknowledging that everything I have belongs to You—so that trying to hold onto the things of this life won’t rob me of one moment of the incomparable joy of living my life in Your presence.


Save me from my own selfish ways that tempt me to buy into the lies that positions will give me power, material things will bring me security, and pleasures will make me satisfied—so I can clearly see that only in You can I ever hope to experience true power, real security, and lasting satisfaction for my soul.


Help me to totally surrender my life into Your care and control—to live for Christ and allow Christ to live in me—so my life would in some way serve Your purposes and bring glory to Your name.


Thank You for showing me that the very best life that this world has to offer me is nothing when compared to the unending and unfailing life that You have promised me—a life that is safely kept in Christ, both now and for eternity.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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