Friday, November 3, 2023

The Path to an Untroubled Heart


“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”


—John 14:1 (NLT)


Lord Jesus,


As we live our lives in this very troubled world, help us to remember Your instruction to us—help us never allow our hearts to be troubled.


Thank You for not only giving us this instruction, but also for empowering us to obey this instruction by showing us the pathway to an untroubled heart—that an untroubled heart trusts in God, and trusts in You.


Show us how our capacity to trust in You is dependent on the depth of our relationship with You—and that the depth of that relationship is determined by our understanding of who You are and of Your great love for us, which is revealed to us in the Word and by the Spirit.


Help us to realize that the more that we act on the Truth we find in Your Word, and put our trust in You, the more we give You the opportunity to show Yourself faithful to us, which in turn causes our trust to grow because of our experience of that faithfulness.


As we live our lives in this very troubled world, help us to remember Your instruction to us—help us never allow our hearts to be troubled.


In Your beautiful and powerful name, I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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