Wednesday, February 14, 2024

And You Forgave


I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I did not hide;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the L
And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah.


Psalm 32:5 (NASB)


Gracious and Forgiving LORD,


Help me to own up to my sin—to freely, openly, and completely confess it all to You in repentance—so that I may fully experience the wonders of Your forgiveness, Your grace, and Your unfailing love for me.  For only in understanding fully the grace that You have given me, can I begin to offer that same grace to those around me.


Help me to understand that when I try (in vain) to hide my sins from You—refusing to honestly and completely confess them before You—I am only inviting You to extend Your hand of discipline on my life, robbing myself of the blessing of grace that Christ died to bring me.


Help me always hurry to lay myself bare before You in true repentance of my rebellious, sinful nature—knowing that You forgive my disobedience, You put my sin out of Your sight, and You clear my record of all guilt, making me as righteous in Your eyes, as Christ Himself.


Show me my heart that I would see clearly those things I have yet to surrender to You—as I submit to the changes that You want to make in me by Your Word and by Your Spirit.  And help me to acknowledge that any goodness in me comes from You alone—and is intended only for Your Glory.


Help me to own up to my sin—to freely, openly, and completely confess it all to You in repentance—so that I may fully experience the wonders of Your forgiveness, Your grace, and Your unfailing love for me.  For only in understanding fully the grace that You have given me, can I begin to offer that same grace to those around me.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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