Monday, January 23, 2017

Like Water Flowing Away

“If only you would prepare your heart
    and lift up your hands to him in prayer!
Get rid of your sins,
    and leave all iniquity behind you.
Then your face will brighten with innocence.
    You will be strong and free of fear.
You will forget your misery;
    it will be like water flowing away.”

—Job 11:13-16 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Show me the depths of my heart and help me prepare it to come before You—as I confess and repent of all my sin and iniquity, so I can confidently bring my prayers before You, with my hands lifted up in surrender and in faith!

Help me to turn forever away from any sin that separates me from You, by giving me the strength to confess it and repent of it—to turn my back on it and leave it behind—as I choose to go in a new direction, to follow a better path.

For then You will cause my face to brighten as the darkness of my sin falls away and the innocence of Christ’s righteousness shines forth from within me.

You will cause me to become strong with the strength only You can give and I will have no need to fear anything—but can live, by Your grace, with abundant joy and enduring peace.

And I will no longer carry the misery that my sin once poured over me—but will forget it, like water flowing away from me.

Show me the depths of my heart and help me prepare it to come before You—as I confess and repent of all my sin and iniquity, so I can confidently bring my prayers before You, with my hands lifted up in surrender and in faith!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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