Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The True and Right Paths of the LORD

Let those who are wise understand these things.
    Let those with discernment listen carefully.
The paths of the L
ORD are true and right,
    and righteous people live by walking in them.
    But in those paths sinners stumble and fall.

—Hosea 14:9 (NLT)

LORD of Heaven and Earth,

Give me the wisdom to search Your Holy Scriptures, that I might gain understanding.  And grant me the discernment to listen carefully to Your Spirit and walk uprightly in Your paths—to faithfully apply the Truth of Your Word to my life.

I know that all Your paths are true and right—and that because You chose to make me righteous through the sacrifice of Christ, I will find the abundant life that You promised me, by faithfully walking in those paths.

I know that without Christ, I could not walk those paths without stumbling and falling. So help my heart to swell with compassion for those who don’t yet have Your light within them to illuminate the path before them.

And make me bold to share that precious hope that is mine in Christ—that they, too, can walk in those true and right paths that lead to abundant life and a forever home with You.

Give me the wisdom to search Your Holy Scriptures, that I might gain understanding.  And grant me the discernment to listen carefully to Your Spirit and walk uprightly in Your paths—to faithfully apply the Truth of Your Word to my life.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Our Great and Faithful Shepherd

He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
    He will carry the lambs in his arms,
holding them close to his heart.
    He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

—Isaiah 40:11 (NLT)

O LORD, My Shepherd,

Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our Shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.

Help us always to trust You as the Great Shepherd—the One who will see to it that His flock is fed in every way, with food and water for their bodies and Your Word and Your Spirit for their souls, so that they will not lack any good thing.

Help us to see how You gather in Your lambs—those most dependent on You for protection and provision—with Your mighty, yet gentle and loving arms, and how You carry them close to Your heart, never letting them slip from Your grasp.

Help us to believe that You gently and compassionately lead those who are with young—carefully showing them the way they should go and guiding them and empowering them for every step of their journey—as they put their trust in Your strength, wisdom and love.

Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our Shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Hearing, Trusting, Walking—Giving Myself to You

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
    for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk,
    for I give myself to you.

—Psalm 143:8 (NLT)

O LORD of Love That Never Fails,

With each new morning, help me to listen and hear how You love me, and respond to Your love—by offering my love in return, by giving myself to You.

Too often, I have rushed into a new day—self-centeredly pursuing my own plans and ideas—without first spending time to listen for what You would say to me, to hear of Your unfailingly love for me.

Help me not to forget how critical it is that I open the Bible—Your love story written to me—and allow You to speak to me, by Your Holy Spirit, as I read—and as You reveal—the Truth that is waiting there for me.

As I study Your Word each morning, help me to hear the message of Your unfailing loving-kindness for me and teach me of the goodness of Your ways—so that I will be drawn into an ever-closer relationship with You and my faith will be made increasingly stronger.

As I come before You in prayer, help me submit my will to Yours alone and allow You to show me the ways that I should go.

Help me to follow the best path for me—where I can experience Your strength, Your plan, Your provision, Your protection, Your peace, Your joy, but most of all Your unfailing love for me.

With each new morning, help me to listen and hear how You love me, and respond to Your love—by offering my love in return, by giving myself to You.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.