Friday, March 29, 2019

You Hear Me, Let Me Hear You

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
    in the morning I lay my requests before you
    and wait expectantly.

—Psalm 5:3 (NIV)

Loving LORD,                        

Every morning, let me call out to You with confidence, humbly placing my requests before You.  Then let me wait expectantly, in Your Presence, believing You hear me and will answer the cry of my heart.

Help me come eagerly and boldly before You each morning—with a deep and abiding reverence for You—knowing my reward will be that I will always find You lovingly waiting to meet with me.

Help me to approach Your throne with a heart full of gratitude for this great privilege I have been granted of being welcomed into Your Presence—and for the interest that You have in every detail of what I have to say to You about everything I have on my heart.

And when I have shared my heart, help me to remember to be still and wait, quietly and expectantly in Your presence, for You to speak to me about Your best plans for me—knowing that You will withhold no good thing from me and trusting that You always want what is best for me.

Every morning, let me call out to You with confidence, humbly placing my requests before You.  Then let me wait expectantly, in Your Presence, believing You hear me and will answer the cry of my heart.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Truly Trusting the One Who Cares About Me

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

—1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

Loving and Compassionate Heavenly Father,

Nothing more deeply demonstrates how much You care about me, than the truth that You sent Jesus to die in my place, and then conquered sin and death through His resurrection—so that I could find life forever through Him!

Remind me to look at what Jesus endured on the cross to help me to better understand the depth of Your love and care for me—so I might more fully trust You with my life and so that any sin of unbelief left in my heart would have to go.

Show me that when I anxiously try to carry my own worries and concerns—rather than giving them over to You and trusting You to take care of them all—I am rejecting Your love, walking away from Your care and discounting what Christ did for me.

Let me never allow my circumstances to have control over me—never believe the lie that any particular circumstance that I may find myself in cannot be overcome—and keep me on the path of life, joy and peace that You have set before me, so I can become everything You have called me to be.

May I always look to You in faith—the One who cares for me and controls all circumstances—patiently waiting for the good plans that You have made for me to unfold before me, as You work all things together for my good.

Nothing more deeply demonstrates how much You care about me, than the truth that You sent Jesus to die in my place, and then conquered sin and death through His resurrection—so that I could find life forever through Him!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Meditating on the Glorious Splendor of God's Majesty

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty,
And on Your wondrous works.

—Psalm 145:5 (NKJV)

Almighty and Glorious God,

Let me meditate on the majestic and glorious splendor of who You are and on the wondrous works of Your hand—works that I can see in every day of my life.

Help me to constantly consider the magnificence of Your sovereign power and stand in awe of You, who—by Your great power and by the Word of Your  mouth—created all there is from nothing.

Help me to be overwhelmed by the perfect brilliancy of Your character and—since You have made me in Your own image—walk in the hope that I might reflect enough of that brilliance of character that others would be drawn to You by the  Christ they see in me.

Help me to recognize the wondrous works of Your hand in the beauty that surrounds me and overtakes me—as well as in the minutest details of my personal life—as You reveal to me Your intimate interest in every facet of my existence, by Your constant and unfailing love.

Let me meditate on the majestic and glorious splendor of who You are and on the wondrous works of Your hand—works that I can see in every day of my life.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.