Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hidden Safely in Your Hand

My name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
And I have put my words in your mouth
    and hidden you safely in my hand.

—Isaiah 51:15b-16a (NLT)

O LORD of Heaven’s Armies,

Thank You for being the self-existent One, the redemptive God—for all who choose to believe, receive and respond to Your passionate, unrelenting and pursuing love. You are the God of all the armies of Heaven—and the One who holds me safely hidden in the palm of Your hand!

It is You who has put Your words in my mouth—that I might boldly proclaim the Truth of all that You are and of all that You have done—so that You would receive all the glory and honor and praise that You are due.

You have chosen me as an ambassador of the Good News—placing Your hand of blessing upon me, so that my entire life would be a testimony to everyone that You place in my path of the power and glory of the God that I worship.

And it is You who holds me safely hidden in Your hand and shielded from my enemies—that is, kept perfectly at peace against any storm of evil that would try to come against me physically, spiritually, emotionally or mentally.

Thank You for being the self-existent One, the redemptive God—for all who choose to believe, receive and respond to Your passionate, unrelenting and pursuing love. You are the God of all the armies of Heaven—and the One who holds me safely hidden in the palm of Your hand!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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