Monday, May 13, 2019

There is No One like You!

“How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you!”

—2 Samuel 7:22 (NLT)

O Sovereign LORD,

Let all that I am boldly and freely declare—to anyone who will hear—how uniquely great and marvelously wonderful You are!

There is no god that surpasses Your greatness, for it is from You alone that greatness flows!  Anything or anyone that is made great is made so by Your divine design, according to Your divine purposes, and ultimately for Your highest glory, honor and praise!

There is no other god that is Sovereign, but You!  For it is You who created all things and holds all power and authority in Your hand—assigning that power and authority to those You choose!

There is no other god that is like You—alive and living within those who believe!  For You didn’t wait for me to love You and desire a relationship with You, but rather You loved me first—when I was bound in filthy sin—and called me to Yourself and made my heart Your home, forever!

Why would I follow after some other god—when I have never even heard of another God like You?  None better, none greater, none higher, none like You!

Let all that I am boldly and freely declare—to anyone who will hear—how uniquely great and marvelously wonderful You are!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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