Monday, July 4, 2022

Perfect Peace for Those Who Trust in Him


You will keep in perfect peace
    all who trust in you,
    all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the L
ORD always,
    for the L
ORD GOD is the eternal Rock.


Isaiah 26:3-4 (NLT)


LORD GOD of Peace,


Grant that I would abide—would remain for the rest of my life—in that perfect and constant peace that You give me, when I trust You completely, and You permeate my every thought.


Help me to place all my trust in You—no matter what hardship or pain, no matter what circumstances or situations I may face—knowing that You will deliver me out of, or carry me safely through, every attempt of the enemy to steal my peace.


And help me to fix my thoughts on You, rather than trying to find my own way out of my troubles—because every answer I am looking for is found in You.


Grant that I would live in the kind of peace that not only remains in me, but radiates outwardly, from deep within me—to a world that needs Your peace so desperately. 


Establish within my heart this unchanging truth:  that You are, and forever will be, my strength and the firm, unchanging and never-failing Rock upon which all my faith and hope stands.


Grant that I would abide—would remain for the rest of my life—in that perfect and constant peace that You give me, when I trust You completely, and You permeate my every thought. 


In the name of Jesus, Amen.


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