Wednesday, January 18, 2023

As Light into the World


I have come as Light into the world, so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness.


—John 12:46 (NASB)


Dear Lord Jesus,


Thank You for coming from heaven into our world as Light—so that we who believe would no longer have to remain in darkness but could live an abundant life in the Light of Truth.


Before I knew You, my life was darkened by my sinful nature. I didn’t have any real comfort, contentment, peace, joy, or hope. I didn’t know what love was. I lived in fear—because my life was full of lies. I did not live in the Truth.


Since I have believed in You, and received You as Light into my darkened heart, the Truth of Your Word has set free from those things that held me captive and kept me from living the abundant life that You have called me to live. Now, I am forever held in the Light of Your love.


So, no matter what evil may come, may I always choose to walk in the Truth—allowing the Light of Christ in me to radiate from me into this darkened world—so others might see and want the blessing of living that abundant life of peace, protection, provision, and purpose that only You can offer.


Thank You for coming from heaven into our world as Light—so that we who believe would no longer have to remain in darkness but could live an abundant life in the Light of Truth.


This I pray in Your Glorious Name, Lord Jesus, Amen.

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