Wednesday, May 1, 2024

There is No Other!


“Turn to me and be saved,
    all the ends of the earth!
    For I am God, and there is no other.”


—Isaiah 45:22 (ESV)


Righteous God and Savior,


From all the ends of the earth, may each soul You have created turn to You—the One and Only God—and be saved!


You are indeed God, and there is no other. You created all that there is and set in perfect motion every interdependent complexity of Your creation.


You created each one of us to bear Your image and placed us within Your creation, so that we could know You through a deep and personal relationship with you, to worship You, and to bring You glory.


You have made known to us Your love for us and made Your creation to declare to us the wonders of Your power and goodness—that we would make You known to the ends of the earth.


May we continue to turn to You in every moment of this day—to turn to the only One who can save us—and find that You are the God who is faithful to save, always.


From all the ends of the earth, may each soul You have created turn to You—the One and Only God—and be saved!


In the Name of Jesus, Amen. 

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