Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We Can Trust Everything He Does



For the word of the LORD holds true,
    and we can trust everything he does.

He loves whatever is just and good;
    the unfailing love of the L
ORD fills the earth.


Psalm 33:4-5 (NLT)


Faithful LORD,


In a world filled with uncertainty and lies, may we find rest in knowing that every word You have ever spoken to us holds true and we can trust everything that You do. Let us find our comfort and peace in You, for You love what is just and good and Your unfailing love fills the earth.


In a world of radical change and chaos, may we always look to You as the ever-true, all-knowing, never-changing, ever-constant, always-trustworthy, Almighty God of all creation—remembering that Your Word always reflects Your character perfectly, as it goes forth in power to accomplish Your purposes.


In a world of people who demand everything their way, help us submit to the working of Your Spirit within us so that the character of Christ would be established in our lives, in order that we would bring You glory, honor and praise. 


In a world that deals so harshly and cruelly with us, let us remember that You deal with us according to the unfailing loving-kindness that You pour out over us and that You always have our best interests at heart.


In a world filled with uncertainty and lies, may we find rest in knowing that every word You have ever spoken to us holds true and we can trust everything that You do. Let us find our comfort and peace in You, for You love what is just and good and Your unfailing love fills the earth.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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