Friday, August 16, 2024

The Heart of Man Reflects the Man



As in water face reflects face,
    so the heart of man reflects the man.


— Proverbs 27:19 (ESV)


Heavenly Father,


Show me my heart, that I may know the man that I am. Then make me more like Jesus. 


Just as I might look carefully into still, clear water to see the reflection of my face on its surface, so may I carefully examine what my thoughts, words, and actions say about the condition of my heart—and how that reveals the man that I truly am. 


Help me to see the places in my heart that I have not yet surrendered to the sanctifying power of Your Holy Spirit within me—and give me the strength and desire to give those places over to You, today.


Change me, so that the reflection of the man that I am in my heart will no longer resemble a man of this world but be a better reflection of a man who has a heart after Your own heart.


Show me my heart, that I may know the man that I am. Then make me more like Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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