Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Feeding On His Faithfulness

Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

—Psalm 37:3 (NKJV)

Loving and Gracious LORD,

In my trusting You, LORD, help me also be busy about doing what is good—so that I might dwell in the safety of Your will in this life, and be fed by Your great faithfulness.

May I never claim to trust You by my words, but fail to demonstrate my trust through obedience to Your Word and Your will—for in doing so, I would only be tempting the God of my salvation.

Help me hold fast to the truth that only in my obedience can I demonstrate the depth of my faith—and only by my faith can I please You.

In my obedience to You, I find that I have everything that I need to be kept safely in Your hand—so that every spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental need is met according to Your plan and purpose for me.

It is within Your will that I find the peace of contentment—as I feed on Your faithfulness to me through everything that might come against me—knowing that the One in whom I have believed is ever faithful and true.

In my trusting You, LORD, help me also be busy about doing what is good—so that I might dwell in the safety of Your will in this life, and be fed by Your great faithfulness.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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