In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.—Psalm 5:3 (NIV)
Loving LORD,
Every morning, let me call out to You with confidence, humbly placing my requests before You. Then let me wait expectantly, in Your presence, believing You hear me and will answer the cry of my heart.
Help me come eagerly and
boldly before You each morning—with a deep and abiding reverence for You—knowing
my reward will be that I will always find You lovingly waiting to meet with me.
Help me to approach Your
throne with a heart full of gratitude for this great privilege I have been
granted of being welcomed into Your Presence—and for the interest that You have
in every detail of what I have to say to You about everything I have on my
And when I have shared my
heart, help me to remember to be still and wait, quietly and expectantly in
Your presence, for You to speak to me about Your best plans for me—knowing that
You will withhold no good thing from me and trusting that You always want what
is best for me.
Every morning, let me call out to You with confidence, humbly placing my requests before You. Then let me wait expectantly, in Your presence, believing You hear me and will answer the cry of my heart.
In the name of Jesus,
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