You have charged us
to keep your commandments carefully.
Oh, that my actions would consistently
reflect your decrees!—Psalm 119:4-5 (NLT)
Heavenly Father,
Help me to carefully keep Your commandments, that my life in action might be a consistent reflection my obedience to Your decrees!
LORD, out of Your
great love for me, You have charged me with this great and awesome
responsibility—to keep Your commandments carefully.
In order to do this, I
must take the time to discover and understand Your commandments—by reading,
studying and being taught the instructions found in Your Word.
This also means I must
meditate on Your Word at all times—so the Truth of Your Word will permeate my
thoughts and, in turn, will produce in me the godly actions that would bring
You glory, honor, and praise.
I must totally surrender control
over my heart to Your Spirit—so that You can help me not to do those things I shouldn’t do, but also, to do those things I that I should.
Because of Your great and
unending love for me, You have given me Your commandments—so that, to the
extent that I am faithful to follow them, I can walk in the freedom, peace,
protection, provision, and joy that they provide.
Help me to carefully keep Your commandments, that my life in action might be a consistent reflection my obedience to Your decrees!
In the name of Jesus,
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