Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Teach Me That I May Live

Teach me your ways, O LORD,
    that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
    so that I may honor you.

—Psalm 86:11 (NLT)

LORD my God,

Teach me Your ways, that I may live according to Your Truth—honoring You with a pure and undivided heart.

Help me to live my life according to the Truth of Your Word—and not be satisfied to settle with living according to anything less.

Grant me great discernment so that I never fall for the lies of the world in which I live—lies that are put forth as truth, but fall far short of conforming to fact or reality.

Help me never to believe the lies that the enemy speaks to me—lies put forth to tempt me to question what I know to be true—but hold up every idea that comes into my mind to see if it agrees with the Truth of Your Word.

And show me my own heart, so that any sin that I harbor there may not stand against the light of Truth—and so my heart may be united in Christ with Your own heart.

Then help me to guard my heart with Your Truth, that it may be pure and solely given to Truth—making me free to serve and honor You with all that I am.

Teach me Your ways, that I may live according to Your Truth—honoring You with a pure and undivided heart.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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