Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Choose Carefully What You Search For

If you search for good, you will find favor;
    but if you search for evil, it will find you!

—Proverbs 11:27 (NLT)

Gracious LORD,

Grant this day that I would encounter the favor that comes when I set my heart to search only after that which is good.

Remind me that there is good to be found all around me and help me to look for that good in every person I encounter and in each circumstance that I face.  In searching for that good let me not only receive the favor of man, but all the more, receive Your gracious favor in my life.

Save me from the temptation to search for evil and don’t let me walk away from Your sheltering protection—for I know that I will never find evil before it finds me, because it watches for every opportunity of catching me unprotected, in order to try to destroy me.

In everything, help me keep my eyes fixed on You—the Author of all things good—so that all my thoughts, words and actions can be lifted as a song of praise to Your glory and honor.

Grant this day that I would encounter the favor that comes when I set my heart to search only after that which is good.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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