Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Filled with Joy and Gladness in You

But may all who search for you
    be filled with joy and gladness in you.
May those who love your salvation
    repeatedly shout, “The L
ORD is great!”

—Psalm 40:16 (NLT)

Great and Glorious LORD God,

May I forever be filled with the joy and gladness of being in Your Presence—as I search to find You at work in every moment of each new day!

Help me to seek You first and seek You always:

·        In praise and worship—as I boldly declare who You are and testify to the amazing things You have done for me, with joy and gladness.

·        In prayer—as I pour out the depths of my heart before You.

·        In reading and studying Your Word—as I search to know You more.

·        And in quietness before You—so that I might hear Your Spirit speaking to my spirit.

Let me repeatedly shout, “The LORD is great!” when I see Your love at work:

·        In me—as You change my heart and patiently mold me into who You designed me to be.

·        Through me—as You use me to minister Your salvation to others, filling my mouth with words of Truth and Grace, and causing all of my actions to be a reflection of Christ’s love for us all.

·        And all around me—as You show me how I can be a part of the work that You are doing in the lives of those You sovereignly place in my path.

May I forever be filled with the joy and gladness of being in Your Presence—as I search to find You at work in every moment of each new day!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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