LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own;
it is not for them to direct their steps.
Discipline me, LORD, but only in due measure—
not in your anger,
or you will reduce me to nothing.—Jeremiah 10:23-24 (NIV)
Sovereign LORD,
Let me always trust that You will direct my steps according to Your plans and purposes for me, and will discipline me with mercy, grace and justice—according to Your unfailing love for me—that I might live for You.
Keep me mindful that my life
is not my own, but belongs to Jesus Christ—the One who died for me that I might
live for Him—and that I was not put here to direct my own steps and carry out
my own plans, because my plans are short-sighted and impurely motivated.
For I know that when I wander
off and try to go my own way, my feet always seem to travel to those places
that hold darkness, death and destruction, rather than the life, joy and peace
I find along the path You have for me.
So, correct me when I
behave as if I know better than You what is best for me, disciplining me as You
must—not out of Your anger, but rather patiently, gently and justly, in order
to set me on the right course once again.
Thank You that any anger You
have with me will never exceed Your unfailing love for me—nor will it surpass
the mercy and grace that that You pour over me each and every day—for I know
that if it did, I would be reduced to nothing. I would surely die.
Let me always trust that You will direct my steps according to Your plans and purposes for me, and will discipline me with mercy, grace and justice—according to Your unfailing love for me—that I might live for You.
In the name of Jesus,
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