Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
—Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)
Sovereign LORD,
Help me always to lift up my plans before You—with my palms wide open—as I submit my will to Your will, my plan to Your plan, and give my life over to Your perfect purpose.
You know every plan of my
heart—before it is ever formed in my thoughts.
You know when I make my
plans in perfect concert with Your will for me.
And You know when I make my plans without first considering or
consulting You at all.
You know when I make my
plans after much prayer and meditation on Your Word. And You know when I make my plans in spite of
what I have heard from You, in great foolishness and selfishness.
Yet despite all my plans,
it is always Your purpose that prevails.
So mold my plans to
accomplish Your purposes and help me to have faith to believe that Your plans
are always best—and that Your plans cannot be stopped.
And help me to remember
that Your plans are always crafted with my best interest at heart—and for my ultimate
good—a reflection of Your perfect and unfailing love for me.
Help me always to lift up my plans before You—with my palms wide open—as I submit my will to Your will, my plan to Your plan, and give my life over to Your perfect purpose.
In the name of Jesus,
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