Friday, February 7, 2020

Above All Else Seek Christ

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

—Luke 12:31 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Teach me to keep that which is most important, the most important thing in my life—that is, to seek Christ above all else and to rest in Him.

Grant me the faith to submit every area of my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ—with the unwavering confidence that He gives me everything I need.

Let the plans that I make be in harmony with the path that You unfold before me—which is Your very best for me.

Let the work that I set my hands to be the good work that You are doing in the lives of others around me—work that You graciously allow me to join with You in doing.

Let the close relationships that I form be the relationships that You have appointed for me—relationships in which everyone is wonderfully blessed.

Let the hope that I have in my heart be the hope that is found in You alone—that I would not place my hope in anyone or anything less.

Let the love that I share be a perfect reflection of the unfailing love You have showered on me—that others might see Christ in me and give You glory.

Let the time that I celebrate be a joyous time of praise and thanksgiving to You for Your gift of life to me—and the promise that there is better yet to come in my forever home with You.

Let the rest that I take from my labors, be the rest that only You can give—flowing from the knowledge that You care for my every need.

Teach me to keep that which is most important, the most important thing in my life—that is, to seek Christ above all else and to rest in Him.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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