Monday, September 13, 2021

The Good of Others


Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.


—1 Corinthians 10:24 (NLT)


Loving and Compassionate God,


Save me from any self-centered tendency in me that would cause me to consider only that which is good for me!


Too often I make decisions according to what I think is best for me—with little thought to making those decisions based on what is good for others.


Help me to think about myself less, so I can think more about the people that You divinely place in my path—and what I might do that would be best for them.


Today, grant me opportunities to be more self-sacrificial—and help me to be willingly obedient to Your Spirit’s promptings, so that Christ may be glorified in me.


Save me from any self-centered tendency in me that would cause me to consider only that which is good for me!


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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