Friday, August 11, 2023

Another Advocate


“If you love me, obey my commandments.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.”


—John 14:15-17a (NLT)


Lord Jesus,


May I never fail to demonstrate my love for You, through my willing obedience to Your commandments, as I look to the Holy Spirit within me to guide me into all Truth.


Let my love for You be so much more than just words that I push carelessly across my lips without thinking. Rather let my words reflect my love for You—a love which permeates everything that I think, say and do.


Help me to look to the Advocate the Father has given—the Holy Spirit—to be my Comforter when I am hurting; my Encourager when I am discouraged; my Counselor when I need guidance; my Helper when the work gets hard; my Strengthener when I need to take a stand; my Friend when I need to know I am never alone; and my Teacher when I need to hear and know the Truth.


Keep me sensitive to the promptings of Your Spirit—who lives within me, and never leaves me—so that I might not miss any good thing that You have for me along my journey to know You more intimately.


May I never fail to demonstrate my love for You, through my willing obedience to Your commandments, as I look to the Holy Spirit within me to guide me into all Truth.


In Your most Precious and Holy Name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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