Friday, October 27, 2023

Incline Your Ear, O LORD!


Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me,
    for I am poor and needy.


—Psalm 86:1 (ESV)



Loving and Compassionate Father God,


Don’t allow me to ever take for granted the truth that, like a good father, You bend down to listen to my every word and understand every matter on my heart—then lovingly and compassionately answer me according to what is best for me.


Thank You that because You are a loving and compassionate God, I can be confidently assured that You will never disregard or dismiss the cries of my heart.


With that confidence that You hear me, help me to always come to You in humility, recognizing that I am poor and needy—that without You I am nothing and apart from You I can do no good thing.


Thank You for answering me out of the infinite vastness of Your love, understanding, and wisdom, so that I can always trust that You answer will set me on the very best path that You have for me—and that in walking that path with You, I will find my every need met.


Don’t allow me to ever take for granted the truth that, like a good father, You bend down to listen to my every word and understand every matter on my heart—then lovingly and compassionately answer me according to what is best for me.


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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