Friday, November 18, 2016

Greater Is He Who Is In Me

You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

—1 John 4:4 (NASB)

All-Powerful God,

Help me not to be moved when I see the evil that surrounds me and let me never be afraid—but rather, let me stand firm in the assurance that Your power to overcome the evil of this world resides in me, by Your Spirit and Your Word!

Thank You that I am one of Your children—that I come from You, that I am made in Your image, and that I am chosen by You to be the focus of Your unfailing love and affection.

Thank You for the Christ-raising power that is within me by the indwelling presence of Your Holy Spirit—that greater power that broke the grip of sin in my life and allows me the freedom to choose to walk in victory over evil.

Thank You for the Truth-giving power of Your Word—that power that reveals to me who You are and lets me understand who I am in Christ—so that I can exercise the authority given to me in Christ to overcome all evil.

Thank You for being the Greater One—the One who chose to live in me, so that You could demonstrate Your power over the evil of this world through me!

Help me not to be moved when I see the evil that surrounds me and let me never be afraid—but rather, let me stand firm in the assurance that Your power to overcome the evil of this world resides in me, by Your Spirit and Your Word!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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