Monday, November 7, 2016

God's Place In My Heart

Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.

—1 John 5:21 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Help me to keep away from anything that would take Your place in my heart—from any false god that I would put before You.

Make me so hungry to fill every place in my heart with Your love, peace, power and presence, that nothing else will do—leaving no room for anything that does not honor and glorify You, leaving no room for any kind of idol there.

Help me to recognize all idols for the false gods that they are—and dethrone them from their rule over any part of my life.

Don’t ever allow me to idolize a person—making my relationship with them more important to me than my relationship with You.  But rather, help me keep all of my relationships in order, by keeping my relationship with You in order.

Don’t ever allow me to idolize a place—making a place more important than my obedience to You.  But help me believe that You are already present wherever You might send me, that You have great plans for me, and that You will go with me there.  So, make me willing and obedient to go wherever You lead me.

Don’t ever allow me to idolize a thing—to believe that I need some thing more than I need to believe that You are the source of everything I need, the giver of all good things.  But rather, let me realize that everything I have is Yours and is only placed temporarily in my hands so I can use it for Your glory.

Don’t ever allow me to idolize an idea—substituting it for true faith in You.  But rather, help me walk in freedom from fear—freedom that comes from the confident hope I have that Your Word is Truth.

Don’t ever allow me to idolize myself—choosing for myself how I think You should be and what You should do and claiming that I have some right to live as I choose—as if I were wiser, or higher, or more powerful, than the One who made me.

Help me to keep away from anything that would take Your place in my heart—from any false god that I would put before You.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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