Monday, December 12, 2016

The Desire And The Power To Please Him

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

—Philippians 2:13 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Thank You that the fulfillment of Your will in my life is not accomplished out of my own power, but it is You who works within me—not only creating in me the longing desire to do what pleases You, but also granting me the strength, energy and ability to carry out that plan and purpose!

I know that in order to be more Christ-like, I must think and act more like Christ—yet I cannot do that unless I allow the Holy Spirit to work within me to change the self-centered desires of my heart.

I know that in order to change the desires of my heart, I must listen for You to speak to me through Your Spirit—as I read and study Your Word, find fellowship with other faithful Christians and offer myself sacrificially in service to others.

So, as I listen for direction from You, help me always to willingly and boldly act upon what You ask of me—and help me believe that, as I am obedient, You will cause my desires to become like Yours and will give me the power to do those things which please You.

Thank You that the fulfillment of Your will in my life is not accomplished out of my own power, but it is You who works within me—not only creating in me the longing desire to do what pleases You, but also granting me the strength, energy and ability to carry out that plan and purpose!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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