Friday, February 24, 2017

Great And Holy Shepherd

He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
    He will carry the lambs in his arms,
holding them close to his heart.
    He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

—Isaiah 40:11 (NLT)

O LORD, My Shepherd,

Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.

Help us always to trust You as the Great Shepherd—the One who will see to it that His flock is fed in every way, with food and water for their bodies and Your Word and Your Spirit for their souls, so that they will not lack any good thing.

Help us to see how You gather in Your lambs—those most dependent on You for protection and provision—with Your mighty, yet gentle and loving arms, and how You carry them close to Your heart, never letting them slip from Your grasp.

Help us to believe that You gently and compassionately lead those who are with young—carefully showing them the way they should go and guiding them and empowering them for every step of their journey—as they put their trust in Your strength, wisdom and love.

Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Today's prayer is dedicated with love to Meredith and Ashley.

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