Wednesday, July 26, 2017

No Good Thing Does He Withhold

For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
The Lord gives grace and glory;
No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

—Psalm 84:11 (NASB)


You are my sun and my shield and You give me grace and glory.  Help me to believe that all things I receive from You are for my ultimate good—because I have made the choice to walk uprightly before You.

Thank You for being my sun and shield—the giver and keeper of my life—as You light my way and take me safely through the dangers of this dark and dreary world, shielding me from the unrelenting attacks of my enemy.

Thank You for giving me grace—which is both that undeserved good will that You pour out on me, and the presence of Your Holy Spirit working good within me and speaking out truth in love through me.

And thank You for giving me glory—which is both the honor You have given me by adopting me as one of Your own, and that promise of eternity with You.

Thank You for not withholding from me anything which You have determined to be for my ultimate good, as I choose to walk uprightly before You—seeking always to do what is right, as only my reasonable service to You.

You are my sun and my shield and You give me grace and glory.  Help me to believe that all things I receive from You are for my ultimate good—because I have made the choice to walk uprightly before You.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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