Monday, July 6, 2020

O LORD, Whose Words Have Power

Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me,
“Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
“See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To pluck up and to break down,
To destroy and to overthrow,
To build and to plant.”

—Jeremiah 1:9-10 (NASB)

O LORD, Whose Words Have Power,

Fill my mouth with Your words, so that I can speak against that which is not honoring to You—in order to pluck it up, break it down, destroy and overthrow it—and then build upon a foundation of Your Truth, by planting Your words of love, and peace, and joy.

As You give me Your words, let me first speak to my own heart and mind—so that any lies that have been planted there by the enemy about who I am, or whose I am, would be uprooted, broken down, destroyed, and forever overthrown and replaced with Truth, in order that I would know my true identity in Christ.

Then show me how to only allow Your words to tell me who I am—so that I am no longer carried away from Your Truth by the words the enemy, or others, might say, but can fully live out my life according to Your specific plan and purpose for me.

And help me always, and only, speak Your words to others—not my own ideas—so that Your words would tear down the lies that they have bought into, and so they too would be set free to become all that You have called them to be.

Fill my mouth with Your words, so that I can speak against that which is not honoring to You—in order to pluck it up, break it down, destroy and overthrow it—and then build upon a foundation of Your Truth, by planting Your words of love, and peace, and joy.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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