Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Not Just a Lot of Talk




For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.


—1 Corinthians 4:20 (NLT)


Heavenly Father,


May Your Kingdom be seen in me, not just by the words that I say, but so much more by the way I live—as I live according to Your life-giving power at work within me.


By the power of Your Holy Spirit, continue to change my heart so that my walk—the evidence that proves what I truly believe—more perfectly reflects my talk—those things I claim to believe.


Help me to see that my understanding of the spiritual realm, over which You are sovereign, is not realized merely by knowing the right words to say—but that it is revealed and made alive by my personal experience of the power of Your Holy Spirit working in me, through me, and all around me.


Help me to live by submitting my will, my wants, and my desires more completely to Your authority over me, so that I might truly experience living by Your power—and so that Your Kingdom authority would be fully established, both in my life and here upon the earth.


May Your Kingdom be seen in me, not just by the words that I say, but so much more by the way I live—as I live according to Your life-giving power at work within me.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, November 18, 2024

As Far As It Depends On You


Never repay anyone evil for evil. Take thought for what is right and gracious and proper in the sight of everyone.  If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.


—Romans 12:17-18 (AMP)   



Prince of Peace, 


Let Your peace remain in me, by helping me to be a person who resists the impulse of my flesh to repay evil with evil and chooses the better way—the way that is right and gracious and proper—so that my actions don’t diminish the possibility of me living at peace with everyone.


Help me to remember that any evil that I do to others, in response to evil they have done to me, will only breed more evil—and that if I choose this destructive course, evil will always have me in its ever-tightening grip.


Let me instead enjoy the freedom that comes from being one who walks uprightly before others—being careful to love others in the same way You have loved me—so that I might represent You well and sow seeds of peace wherever I go.


And while I know that it will not always be possible for me to live at peace with everyone, remind me that I must always do my part to be a peacemaker—by speaking only the truth, granting an abundance of grace to all, letting Your love guide my thoughts, and making that same love be the sole motive behind everything I say and do.  


Let Your peace remain in me by helping me to be a person who resists the impulse of my flesh to repay evil with evil and chooses the better way—the way that is right and gracious and proper—so that my actions don’t diminish the possibility of me living at peace with everyone. 


For the glory of Your Name, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Friday, November 15, 2024




You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.


—1 John 4:4 (NASB)


All-Powerful God,


Help me not to be moved when I see the evil that surrounds me, and let me never be afraid—but rather, let me stand firm in the assurance that Your power to overcome the evil of this world resides in me, by Your Spirit and Your Word!


Thank You that I am one of Your children—that I come from You, that I am made in Your image, and that I am chosen by You to be the focus of Your unending and unfailing love and affection.


Thank You for the Christ-raising power of Your Spirit—that greater power that lives within me—that broke the grip of sin in my life and allows me the freedom to choose to walk in the victory that Christ won for me over evil.


Thank You for the Truth-giving power of Your Word—that power that reveals to me who You are and lets me understand who I am in Christ—so that I can exercise the authority given to me, in the Name of Jesus, to counter all the lies of the enemy.


Thank You for being the Greater One—the great “I AM”—the only One who is worthy to be praised and worshiped forever!  Let Your glory be seen in my life as You demonstrate Your power over the evil of this world—even through me!


Help me not to be moved when I see the evil that surrounds me, and let me never be afraid—but rather, let me stand firm in the assurance that Your power to overcome the evil of this world resides in me, by Your Spirit and Your Word!


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Follow the Spirit



If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit as well.  Let’s not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.


Galatians 5:25-26 (NASB)


Heavenly Father,


Since I claim to be led by the Spirit, help me humbly submit to the Spirit’s leading in every part of my life, so that my life produces fruit that proves the truth of that leading. 


Your Spirit is alive and active in me and has shown me the path to eternal life—and, by that same Spirit, you give me the power to live as I should, in the here and now.


So, help me to live every aspect of my life in total harmony with Your Spirit—allowing You to guide my thoughts, emotions, words, and behaviors always—that by faith, my life will produce those things that please You.


Let me reflect the Light of Christ that is within me in all my relationships—for Your glory, honor, and praise—as I encourage both my brothers and sisters in Christ and those who are lost and hurting, with Christ-like love and compassion.


Help me to find my identity in Christ alone—so there is no room in me for conceit, no need in me to provoke others, no temptation to be envious or jealous—so that I can live my life with courage, integrity, and godly character.


Since I claim to be led by the Spirit, help me humbly submit to the Spirit’s leading in every part of my life, so that my life produces fruit that proves the truth of that leading. 


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, November 11, 2024



Remember the things I have done in the past.

    For I alone am God!

    I am God, and there is none like me.

Only I can tell you the future

    before it even happens.

Everything I plan will come to pass,

    for I do whatever I wish.


Isaiah 46:9-10 (NLT)




Remind me that You are God and there is none like You—that only You know the end of from the beginning, and that Your plan will always come to pass, because You are ultimately in control of everything that happens, and You answer to no one.


When I don’t understand what is happening around me, and I begin to fear the evil of this world, help me to remember and reflect on all the amazing ways that You have kept me safely sheltered in Your hands—providing for my every need—as You have led me down Your best path for me.


Help me to be comforted in the truth that You are Holy and Just—that every evil thing that is done in darkness will be brought to light one day to be judged, and You will one day vanquish all evil, just as You have promised in Your Word.


Show me how to see Your hand at work in everything that is presently happening around us, as You unfold before us Your plans to usher us into the glorious future that You have waiting for those who faithfully believe that You alone are God, and there is none like You!


Remind me that You are God and there is none like You—that only You know the end of from the beginning, and that Your plan will always come to pass, because You are ultimately in control of everything that happens, and You answer to no one.


In the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Incredible Greatness, Mighty Power



I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.


Ephesians 1:19-20 (NLT)


Omnipotent God,


Help me to grow in my understanding of the incredible greatness of Your power—so I might more fully live my life by that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead, which now lives in me!


Help me to know and believe that it is Your power alone—as given by the Holy Spirit and made possible by Christ’s redeeming sacrifice—that enables me to become everything You have called me be, and that apart from that I am powerless.


Help me to realize that in order to fulfill Your call to become more like Christ, I must continually draw from that unlimited resource of Your power within me—in humility and in willing obedience to the commands and instructions of Your Word, and every prompting of Your Spirit. 


Help me forever stand in awestruck wonder of Your power, knowing that it is that very same power—the power of Your love in action for all mankind—which is presently and actively at work within me. 


Help me to grow in my understanding of the incredible greatness of Your power—so I might more fully live my life by that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead, which now lives in me!


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Respect, Love, Fear, Honor



Show respect for all people [treat them honorably], love the brotherhood [of believers], fear God, honor the king.


—1 Peter 2:17 (AMP)


Holy God,


May my fear of You—my absolute reverence and overwhelming awe of You—be proven by my obedience to all Your commandments.


I confess that I have not always shown respect for all people—that I have forgotten that every one of us has been made in Your image, and therefore is worthy of being treated with respect.


I confess that it is easy to respect and treat honorably those who agree with what I believe, but very difficult for me when it is apparent to me that they are not living in the Truth of Your Word.


I confess that I have not loved my brothers and sisters in Christ as I should—much less the unbelievers of this world, or those that You have placed in authority over me.


Forgive me I pray, and help me to remember that You control all things—that You give power and authority over me to whomever You choose—in order to bring about Your plans and purposes for us. 


And help me to remember that my part remains the same:  to fear and worship You alone, as I put all my hope in Christ; to show respect to all people and treat them honorably; to love well my brothers and sisters in Christ; and, as much as I can do so, without violating Your commandments, to give honor to those in authority over me.


May Your Kingdom come, and Your Will be done—that the whole earth would be filled with Your Glory!


May my fear of You—my absolute reverence and overwhelming awe of You—be proven by my obedience to all Your commandments.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.