Monday, October 21, 2013

Powerless, Apart From You

Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

—Mark 14:38 (NLT)

Merciful Father,

Help me always to watch and pray—so that I will not give in to temptation.

I know that—apart from You—I am powerless to resist those seemingly relentless temptations to leave the path that You have set me on and travel down a path that leads to sin, destruction and death.

So may my eyes always be locked on You and may my greatest desire be to be where You are—so I never lose my way.

For though deep within my heart, my spirit cries out to only do what pleases You, my weak and weary body cries out to only satisfy its own desires.

Help me to set my ear only to hear the promptings of Your Holy Spirit—as You speak to my spirit—so that every choice I make might please You.

Keep me awake, alert and on guard against the temptations that will come my way—always focused on submitting my will to Yours in order to fulfill Your plan for my life.

And when temptations come, remind me to immediately turn to You in prayer and ask for Your power—that same power that raised Christ from the dead—that I might overcome the temptations and stay on the path that pleases You—knowing it is Your great joy to give me that power, whenever I ask.

Help me always to watch and pray—so that I will not give in to temptation.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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