Wednesday, October 23, 2013

By Faith, Not Sight

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

—2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)

Heavenly Father,

May I always live out my life according to my belief in the truth I find in Your Word—and never allow my faith to be shaken by the way things appear to be in the natural.

Help me to remain constant in my faith in the supernatural power that is ever working on my behalf to ultimately bring about Your best for me—and may the way I live my life be a reflection of that confident trust in You.

Help me not to allow the negativity of the world, that permeates what I can see with my natural eyes, to dull my vision for the things that cannot be seen in the natural—which are constantly at work for good in the spiritual realm all around me.

Help me not to give any credence to what things may look like in the natural, when those things contradict what You have told me about the way things are in the supernatural.

As I pass through this life, on my way home to You, help me choose to live each day by faith—knowing that what I cannot see is far more real than that which I can see.

May I always live out my life according to my belief in the truth I find in Your Word—and never allow my faith to be shaken by the way things appear to be in the natural.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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