Love never fails.—1 Corinthians 13:8a (NIV)And without faith it is impossible to please God…—Hebrews 11:6a (NIV)The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.—Galatians 5:6b (NIV)
Heavenly Father,
With a grateful heart and in response to Your love for me, help me to keep my focus on doing that which pleases You—expressing my faith through love.
Fill me with Your love for
others, so I might learn how to love everyone with the same sacrificial love
with which You first loved me—not with some less-than-adequate human love which
self-centeredly picks and chooses when to love and who to love.
Help me to love in
obedience to Your command, when I don’t really want to love—when I’m just not
feeling it—and when I can’t see any apparent return for my efforts.
Help me to love
sacrificially those who I may think don’t deserve my love—who may be oblivious
to my actions of love—and to whom my love seems to make no difference.
Help me love in faith,
having faith that my expression of the God-kind of love always accomplishes the
purpose for which You have ordained it—whether by changing the other person, or
by bringing about a change in myself—and that it never falls uselessly to the
With a grateful heart and in response to Your love for me, help me to keep my focus on doing that which pleases You—expressing my faith through love.
In the name of Jesus,
Thanks for the inspiration.