Monday, October 3, 2016

Your Holy Name

Pray like this:

Our Father in heaven,
    may your name be kept holy.

—Matthew 6:9 (NLT)

Heavenly Father,

Teach me to keep Your Name holy—set apart to be revered in my heart and glorified through my life.

Show me how to bring honor to Your Name—in my thoughts, words and actions—so that others would find in You the love, truth, forgiveness, healing, peace and joy that is available to them, through the power of Your Name.

Keep me from using Your Holy Name in vain—carelessly throwing it around, shamefully invoking it in unholy ways and bringing dishonor to all the holy perfection that is represented by Your Name.

But rather, help me to be bold to speak and to act in Your Name—by faith and according to Your will—knowing that within Your Name resides Your holy and powerful Presence, where Truth and Grace are fully expressed by Your Love.

Teach me to keep Your Name holy—set apart to be revered in my heart and glorified through my life.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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