Friday, May 29, 2015

Reverence For Your Presence

As you enter the house of God, keep your ears open and your mouth shut. It is evil to make mindless offerings to God.  Don’t make rash promises, and don’t be hasty in bringing matters before God.  After all, God is in heaven, and you are here on earth.  So let your words be few.

—Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 (NLT)

Almighty God,

May I always be careful to consider the paths of my feet—guarding my steps that I might not foolishly disrespect You—as I come with reverent fear into Your Presence.

Help me first come before You with my ears ready to hear, my heart ready to receive, and my flesh ready to be obedient, to all that You would ask of me.

Help me to thoughtfully examine each offering that I bring to You—that I might offer it with the humble acknowledgment that You alone are the One who takes that which I have to offer and makes it worthy to be received.

Help me not to make rash promises to You—but help me consider my weaknesses and my propensity to fail to deliver on my promises, outside of Your power within me to enable me to honor them.

Help me not to be a person who comes before You carelessly, abruptly, irreverently, or even arrogantly—as if I deserved Your attention or could dictate to You what You should do accommodate my wishes.

For You are the LORD God Almighty of Heaven, the Creator of all there is and all there will ever be.  So, let my words be few, that my heart might be open to receive the life-giving words that You have for me, which I so desperately need.

May I always be careful to consider the paths of my feet—guarding my steps that I might not foolishly disrespect You—as I come with reverent fear into Your Presence.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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