Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Foundation Of Wisdom

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom.
    Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

—Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)

Holy God,

Help me to live fully aware of that one foundation upon which wisdom is built and, out of my reverential fear of You, commit to knowing You more intimately—that my judgement might always be good and the choices I make would always be wise.

I don’t want to stumble through life, carelessly making foolish decisions without regard to whether I am first seeking out Your will, plan and purpose for me—when You have made Your paths of wisdom available for me to walk down.

So help me to stand in Your Presence, overwhelmed by Your Holiness, Power and Majesty—fearing Your wrath, yet trusting in Your mercy, grace and forgiveness, and completely dependent upon You to direct me according to Your unfailing love for me.

Help me to know You more—more deeply, more completely, more intimately—so that my knowledge of Your ways would help me to make wise choices which reflect good judgement and bring glory and honor to You.

Help me to live fully aware of that one foundation upon which wisdom is built and, out of my reverential fear of You, commit to knowing You more intimately—that my judgement might always be good and the choices I make would always be wise.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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