Friday, July 27, 2012

Wonders In Every Heartbeat

O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us.
    Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
    You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
    I would never come to the end of them.

--Psalm 40:5 (NLT)

O Lord my God,

I stand amazed at just how good You have been to me.

May my "looking back at my past" only be in remembrance of all the wondrous things that You have done for me, in celebration of Your faithfulness and love.

When I think of how involved You are in even the smallest of details of my life, I am overwhelmed…I cannot take it in. There is not one thing that happens to me that You don’t see—not one thing that happens that You don't already have  a plan to bring good from it for me!  To number Your plans would be impossible.

Help me to see more clearly the wonders that You perform out of intimate love for me, in every heartbeat of every day.  Remind me of those wonders that You have performed, especially in those times when the strength of my faith is fading.

There is truly none like You, Lord.  I could tell of Your wonderful deeds forever, and never reach the end of the telling. Still, prompt me to tell of them in order to bring glory, honor and praise to You.

I stand amazed at just how good You have been to me.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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