Friday, February 21, 2025

Unbridled Tongue, Deceived Heart



If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.


—James 1:26 ESV



Heavenly Father,


Save me from the hypocrisy of claiming to be spiritually mature, when my unbridled tongue tells a different story.


Show me how to control my tongue.  Keep me far from any tendency to gossip about, or to put someone down.  And help me to do away with all boastfulness and arrogance—so I might live in humility before You and my fellowman.


Keep me from speaking manipulative words, exaggerations, or lies of any kind.  Let me only speak only words of truth—with compassion and empathy, with patience, kindness and gentleness—in love.


Help me never to allow any words that stir up strife to cross my lips.  Let me instead speak words that only offer peace to the hearts and lives of those that hear them—so that I might represent Christ well, and so You can use my words to draw them into an ever-deepening relationship with You.


Save me from the hypocrisy of claiming to be spiritually mature when my unbridled tongue tells a different story.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Our Strength!


They read from the Book of the Law of God and clearly explained the meaning of what was being read, helping the people understand each passage.

Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were interpreting for the people said to them, “Don’t mourn or weep on such a day as this! For today is a sacred day before the LORD your God.” For the people had all been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law.


And Nehemiah continued, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our LORD. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!”


And the Levites, too, quieted the people, telling them, “Hush! Don’t weep! For this is a sacred day.”  So the people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God’s words and understood them.


Nehemiah 8:8-12 (NLT)


Loving LORD God,


Let my joy never waver, my strength never wane, as You help me to understand the truth of the good plans You have laid out clearly before me, in the pages of Your Word.


As I come to understand Your Word more and more—and in that understanding, my sins are brought to light before me—help me not only to mourn my sin and repent, but help me even more to rejoice in the power of Your love to remove my sin from me, so my joy in You might not waver and cause me to lose strength.


Help me to live in the understanding that my joy in You will strengthen me to be obedient to the things that You have placed before me to do and cause me to be able to resist any temptations from the enemy to do the wrong thing.


Help me to spread the joy that acceptance of Your salvation and obedience to Your Word brings, by sharing with others the abundant blessings You have placed on my life—materially, physically and spiritually.


Let my joy never waver, my strength never wane, as You help me to understand the truth of the good plans You have laid out clearly before me, in the pages of Your Word.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Monday, February 17, 2025

True and Right Paths!


Let those who are wise understand these things.

    Let those with discernment listen carefully.

The paths of the LORD are true and right,

    and righteous people live by walking in them.

    But in those paths sinners stumble and fall.  

 —Hosea 14:9 (NLT)


LORD of Heaven and Earth,


Give me the wisdom to search Your Holy Scriptures, that I might gain understanding.  And grant me the discernment to listen carefully to Your Spirit and walk uprightly in Your paths—to faithfully apply the Truth of Your Word to my life.


I know that all Your paths are true and right—and that because You chose to make me righteous through the sacrifice of Christ, I will find the abundant life that You promised me, by faithfully walking in those paths.


I know that without Christ, I could not walk those paths without stumbling and falling. So help my heart to swell with compassion for those who don’t yet have Your light within them to illuminate the path before them.


And make me bold to share that precious hope that is mine in Christ—that they, too, can walk in those true and right paths that lead to abundant life and a forever home with You.


Give me the wisdom to search Your Holy Scriptures, that I might gain understanding.  And grant me the discernment to listen carefully to Your Spirit and walk uprightly in Your paths—to faithfully apply the Truth of Your Word to my life.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, February 14, 2025

God's Way!


 God's way is perfect. 

     All the LORD’s promises prove true.

    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.


—2 Samuel 22:31 (NLT)


O LORD, my God,


Help me always to trust in Your way—and rest in the integrity of Your character.


Help me never doubt that Your way is perfect, because You are perfect—that you are ever-faithful to fulfill Your promises and never-changing in Your love for me.


Help me to learn all Your promises—by searching Your Word for them—and then prove them out in my life through my obedience to all that You ask of me.


As I surrender my life to You—as I look to You to be my everything—be for me a shield of protection that surrounds me.


Help me always to trust in Your way—and rest in the integrity of Your character.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The LORD, Our Shepherd



He will feed his flock like a shepherd.

    He will carry the lambs in his arms,

holding them close to his heart.

    He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.


Isaiah 40:11 (NLT)



O LORD, My Shepherd,


Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our Shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.


Help us always to trust You—knowing You will see to it that Your flock is fed in every way, with food and water for our bodies and Your Word and Your Spirit for our souls, so that we will not lack any good thing.


Help us to see how You gather in Your lambs—those most dependent on You for protection and provision—with Your mighty, yet gentle and loving arms, and how You carry them close to Your heart, never letting them slip from Your grasp.


Help us to believe that You gently and compassionately lead those who have young ones—carefully showing them the way they should go and guiding them and empowering them for every step of their journey—as they put their trust in Your strength, wisdom and love.


Thank You for the intimate and loving relationship with You that is ours to enjoy, when we trust You to be our Shepherd—to look after us in every way, just as a good shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Rejoice and Be Glad!



This is the day the LORD has made.

    We will rejoice and be glad in it.


Psalm 118:24 (NLT)



One and Only Creator God,


You, O LORD, have made this day!  So, I choose to rejoice and be glad in it!


Before You created everything there is—before You placed it all in order and set it all in motion—You knew this day would come, You knew the good plans You had for me today!


Today, I get to choose whether to embrace Your plans with joy and gladness, or to resist Your plans—as if to think that I would know better than You what is best for me—and only reap a harvest of trouble and hardship for my efforts.


So, help me open my eyes to all that You have done for me, to rejoice, and gladly and obediently submit my will to Your sovereign plans for me.  Help me to see that You have called me and saved me for such a time as this. 


Grant me the faith to believe that You have already arranged to supply me with everything that I need to accomplish Your will for me today and that, in doing so, You have made it possible for me to live this day with deep peace and enduring joy!


You, O LORD, have made this day!  So, I choose to rejoice and be glad in it!


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Unfailing Love Each Morning



Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,

    for I am trusting you.

Show me where to walk,

    for I give myself to you.


Psalm 143:8 (NLT)


O LORD of Love That Never Fails,


With each new morning, help me to listen and hear how You love me, and respond to Your love by offering my love in return—by giving myself to You.


Too often, I have rushed into a new day—self-centeredly pursuing my own plans and ideas—without first spending time to listen for what You would say to me, to hear of Your unfailingly love for me.


Help me not to forget how critical it is that I open the Bible—Your love story written to me—and allow You to speak to me, by Your Holy Spirit, as I read—and as You reveal—the Truth that is waiting there for me.


As I study Your Word each morning, help me to hear the message of Your unfailing loving-kindness for me and teach me of the goodness of Your ways—so that I will be drawn into an ever-closer relationship with You and my faith will be made increasingly stronger.


As I come before You in prayer, help me submit my will to Yours alone and allow You to show me the ways that I should go.


Help me to follow the best path for me—where I can experience Your strength, Your plan, Your provision, Your protection, Your peace, Your joy, but most of all Your unfailing love for me.


With each new morning, help me to listen and hear how You love me, and respond to Your love by offering my love in return—by giving myself to You.


In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

While There is Still Time


That is why the LORD says,

“Turn to me now, while there is time.

Give me your hearts.

    Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.

Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,

    but tear your hearts instead.”

Return to the LORD your God,

    for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

He is eager to relent and not punish.”  —Joel 2:12-13 (NLT)


Merciful and Gracious LORD God,


Fully expose my every sin and bring me to heartfelt grief, so that my grief would lead me to true, godly repentance. And in that repentance, let me return to You, so I may be healed and made whole again.


May any outwardly visible manifestation of my grief over my sin be an accurate indication of how my heart is torn with grief—as I resolve to turn from that sin, to leave it behind forever, to throw myself once again on Your mercy, to ask for Your forgiveness, and return to You.


Help me to make the choice to return to You now, with the confidence that comes from believing that You truly want to be in relationship with me—and in the understanding that You are full of mercy and compassion, slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love


May I run back to You quickly, with the assurance that You are willing to welcome me back, ready to relent from giving me the punishment that I deserve, and are eager to bring me back to that walk of obedience into which You first called me.


Fully expose my every sin and bring me to heartfelt grief, so that my grief would lead me to true, godly repentance. And in that repentance, let me return to You, so I may be healed and made whole again.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Wisdom Yields Patience



A person’s wisdom yields patience;

    it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. 


Proverbs 19:11 (NIV)


Heavenly Father,


Grant me the wisdom that produces patience—rather than anger—and help me to choose not to be offended by what someone else may say or do.


Help me to be wise enough to watch for Your hand at work in all things that happen to me because of other people’s words or actions—that I might control my reactions and remain patient enough to find out what You have to teach me.


Help me not to eagerly embrace every opportunity to be offended by what comes my way but rather reject the destructive power that an offense can hold over me.  Help me let offenses pass me by—as I remain confidently at peace, in the truth of who I am in Christ.


Help me be slow to become angry, but quick to understand, quick to love, quick to show compassion, mercy, and grace, and quick to forgive and move forward, unencumbered by the past, in the joy and peace that You call me to walk in—so I can be busy about the good things You have for me to do, for Your glory, honor and praise.


Grant me the wisdom that produces patience—rather than anger—and help me to choose not to be offended by what someone else may say or do.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Gifting My Burdens to God



Give your burdens to the LORD,

    and he will take care of you.

    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.


Psalm 55:22 (NLT)



Loving LORD,


Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.


Help me truly turn over every care and concern that burdens my heart to You—not merely saying with my mouth that I trust You, when it is evident, by the lack of peace in my heart, that I have not.


Help me to continue in trusting You so that when I give You my burdens, I don’t turn around and try to take them back from You—so I don’t try to carry things I was never intended to carry! 


Help me to understand that when I give You my burdens, I am giving You a gift of my faith, showing that I believe You are well able to carry my heaviest burdens, and use all things together for Your glory and for my good.


Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Our Own Lives!



We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too.


—1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NLT)



Dear God,


Let my love for others be so great that I can't help but share Your Good News with them—as I share with them my own life, too.


Thank You that, by the power of Your Spirit, You wrote the story of Your plan of salvation on the pages of the Bible—as Good News for all mankind!


Thank you that, by the power of Your Spirit and Your Word, You wrote the story of Your plan for my salvation on the pages of my life—as Good News that I should share with everyone that You place within my sphere of influence.


Grant me the boldness and courage—motivated only by my love for You and for others—to share this story of the Bible and of my life, giving freely of myself that they, too, might be saved in every way.


Let my love for others be so great that I can't help but share Your Good News with them—as I share with them my own life, too.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.