Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pure Motives, Committed Action

People may be pure in their own eyes,
    but the Lord examines their motives.

Commit your actions to the Lord,
    and your plans will succeed.

—Proverbs 16:2-3 (NLT)

Dear Lord,

Reveal to me the motives of my own heart, and help me commit everything I do to You, so that I don’t work in vain.

Lord, You know my heart better than I do.  You examine every motive.  Show me my motives, so that what I set out to do will be done from a pure heart.

Help me to completely commit my every action to You, Lord, so that my plans will be in harmony with Your will for me—based in the Truth of Your Word.

Help me to continue to trust You and commit my way to You when things don’t go just the way I thought they would—knowing that You know the path that will lead to true success, if I continue to work diligently for You.

Thank You that in as much as I am able to submit all of my plans to Your will, You will cause my plans to be successful, because my motives will be pure and my actions will glorify You.

Reveal to me the motives of my own heart, and help me commit everything I do to You, so that I don’t work in vain.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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