Friday, September 12, 2014

At Your Word

The LORD merely spoke,
    and the heavens were created.
He breathed the word,
    and all the stars were born.
He assigned the sea its boundaries
    and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs.
Let the whole world fear the L
    and let everyone stand in awe of him.
For when he spoke, the world began!
    It appeared at his command.

—Psalm 33:6-9 (NLT)

Omnipotent and Loving LORD,

How can I not revere and worship You?  How can I not stand in awe of You?  For You merely spoke, and it all began!  It all appeared at Your command!

By Your Word and by the Breath of Your Mouth—by Your Son and by the Holy Spirit—You made all things!  And it is by Christ and by the Spirit that You rule and redeem this fallen world.

You spoke and it was!  Nothing else was necessary, because as You commanded, it was done, and forever stands fast.

Your creation came ordered—bound by Your command to function according to Your plans and purposes and set in motion by unlimited faith—so that the whole world would fear You, stand in awe of Your majesty and power and know that You are God!

How can I not revere and worship You?  How can I not stand in awe of You?  For You merely spoke, and it all began!  It all appeared at Your command!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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